Action Coalition on Human Trafficking in Alberta (ACT Alberta)
Dénomination enregistrée : Action Coalition on Human Trafficking Alberta Association
Numéro d'entreprise : 830548400RR0001
Cet organisme est désigné par l'Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) comme organisme de bienfaisance enregistré. Ils se conforment aux exigences de l'ARC et ont reçu un numéro d'enregistrement d'organisme de bienfaisance.
ACT Alberta, the Action Coalition on Human Trafficking, is a provincial charity and one of the few non-profit agencies that provide front-line services to victims and survivors of both labour and sex trafficking. As one of the oldest anti-trafficking agencies in Canada, we have delivered direct services to thousands of people in need. We are accredited social workers, advocates, and educators who work tirelessly toward our vision of an Alberta free of human trafficking.
Our Mission:
We support and advocate for victims and survivors of human trafficking, increase knowledge and awareness of all forms of human trafficking, and lead and foster collective action through collaboration and respect.
Our Values:
- Person-centered response driven by human rights.
- A commitment to serve and empower all individuals using an anti-oppressive framework.
- Evidence-based and judgment-free services through a lens of intersectionality.
- Collective action through the coordination, collaboration, and respect of stakeholders and allies.
How We Help
At ACT Alberta, our first goal is always to get victims and survivors on their path to safety. We also know that we can’t solve this problem alone: we raise public awareness and readiness so that our community can work together to reduce trafficking.
Victim Services: ACT operates a community-based Victim Services Unit that provides specialized case management, confidential response services, and referrals for victims and survivors of trafficking. We help our clients find immediate protection, provide access to food, shelter, and trauma counselling, and provide guidance through complicated legal processes.
Education: ACT offers free training programs that teach participants how to accurately identify instances of human trafficking, as well as how to safely respond. Using a trauma-informed lens, ACT shares evidence-based research, current trends, and testimony from survivors.
Research & Partnerships: There isn't a single agency in Alberta that can prevent or respond to human trafficking alone. ACT invests in cross-agency partnerships, research initiatives, and knowledge sharing to bring allies together to be a part of the solution.
Join the Movement
Human trafficking is a human rights abuse. It tears away our universal right to autonomy and self-determination. Victims and survivors of trafficking have the right to escape their abusers, heal from their trauma, and live a life free of exploitation. We believe in investing in the future of survivors by giving them the help they need today. We hope you will join us.
Edmonton, AB, T5J 2J6
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