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Alberta Ecotrust Foundation

Dénomination enregistrée : ALBERTA ECOTRUST FOUNDATION

Numéro d'entreprise : 135029825RR0001

You don’t have to choose between saving a watershed, defending parks, or reducing emissions. Your donation protects all Alberta ecosystems.

Alberta Ecotrust Foundation

À propos

Support the people and projects working towards healthy ecosystems for all Albertans.

When you donate to Alberta Ecotrust Foundation, you support impactful environmental projects and programs in every part of the province that address urgent issues like land use, water quality and climate change. 

Alberta Ecotrust has a 30-year history of working collaboratively with our partners and stakeholders to amplify resources and use our insights to help community-led organizations protect the environment.

Our work to protect the environment includes:

Grantmaking & Financing a Sustainable Future 

Alberta Ecotrust is the go-to funding body for investment in meaningful and innovative Environmental nonprofit projects and programs that create positive measurable change through leadership, education, action and public policy.

Catalytic Collaboration

Alberta Ecotrust convenes and facilitates collaboration between Environmental nonprofits, industry, government and other stakeholders to build trust and co-create impactful solutions to the complex environmental challenges facing our province.

Strategic Learning, Evaluation, and Impact

Alberta Ecotrust advances the innovative capacity and leadership of Environmental nonprofits to deliver high impact programs and activities through strategic capacity building projects, shared learning events as well as ongoing research and engagement with the sector.

Alberta is home to a vibrant and growing network of stakeholders working towards solutions addressing environmental challenges like conservation, water quality, biodiversity, nature based solutions and emissions reduction. These environmental challenges are increasingly complex. No one can do it alone.  

Donate as often as you’d like, whether that is once, monthly or annually, your contribution is still valuable. But, when you commit to monthly donations for environmental solutions, you give us more stability, which helps us have an even bigger impact in your community.

Together, we’ll turn brilliant ideas into positive community projects that solve multiple challenges at once.

Will you join the community that is genuinely helping people and our planet?

Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter.


Suite 250, 305 10th Ave. SE


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