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Algoma Highlands Conservancy

Dénomination enregistrée : ALGOMA HIGHLANDS CONSERVANCY

Numéro d'entreprise : 889710778RR0001

Algoma Highlands Conservancy

À propos

Our Mission

The mission of the Algoma Highlands Conservancy (AHC) is to conserve and protect the unique beauty and ecological integrity of key areas within the Algoma Highlands region of Northern Ontario. The AHC strives to protect the ecological function and habitat requirements of native plant and animal species in these areas while encouraging human access and visitation through low-impact recreation to enhance awareness and understanding.

The AHC is a group of like-minded individuals who voluntarily contribute their time, energy and skills to various projects related to our four fundamental principles: conservation,  silent sport recreation, ecological research, and environmental education. We are a bi-national, not-for-profit group, with charitable organization status in both Canada and the U.S.

About Algoma Highlands Conservancy

With your donation, Algoma Highlands Conservancy has been able to protect and maintain the beautiful highland areas north of Sault Ste. Marie that surrounds Stokely Creek including the beloved Robertson Cliffs, King Mountain, and Norm's Cabin. The AHC is committed to conservation and environmental stewardship, but we need your help to protect these treasures for future generations.

We are deeply appreciative of your generosity and support!


P.O Box 22037

McNabb PO

Sault Ste Marie, ON, P6B 0E9

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