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Alma Children's Education Foundation

Dénomination enregistrée : Alma Children's Education Foundation

Numéro d'entreprise : 843496654RR0001

Alma Children's Education Foundation

À propos

Our Mission

To improve education for economically impoverished children in Latin America through projects that reinforce critical thinking, creativity, analytical reasoning, and harmonious values to shape socially responsible and environmentally conscious individuals.

Our Vision

To realize, through investment in education, a new generation of creative, critical thinkers who will spur socio-economic development and improve the quality of life in Latin America in a socially and environmentally harmonious manner.

About Alma Children's Education Foundation

We are microphilanthropists. We make direct investments in specific projects rather than organizations. Our low cost/high impact model provide Canadian donors with a unique opportunity to be engaged in grass-roots initiatives with very low investments and high social returns on investments. Since 2010, we have helped over 5,000 children in Latin America.

We currently have 29 education projects in Peru and Bolivia. Each project is catered to the communities greatest educational need. Our projects fall into 5 categories:

  • Early education projects (for children aged 0-5)
  • Primary education projects
  • Secondary education projects
  • Higher education projects
  • Partner projects

Our project pages include a short description of each project along with the actual project plan and the most recent updates written by our program director in Peru or our partner there.

We are extremely grateful for the support of our loyal donors and our 50+ volunteers around the world who make our impact possible.

If you would like to learn more about our projects and how you can make an impact please contact our team, follow our stories from the field on social media, and/or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.




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