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Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art


Numéro d'entreprise : 129268876RR0001

We are Community built and Artist run. Join our legacy as we shape the cultural life of Kelowna, and beyond!

Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art

À propos

Art is a critical component of our lives. It helps us understand the world around us, builds empathy in our community, and improves the lives and well-being of Canadians. 

In BC, 1 in every 72 workers is an artist, but their median income is 39% lower than the average Canadian worker. Sector research tells us there is a need for more support to artists at all stages of their careers - particularly in the BC interior where 56% of artists report a need for more work. 

The Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art creates meaningful work and development opportunities for artists to take risks, innovate and share new perspectives through their art.

We support sustainable creative practice by providing exhibition opportunities, professional fees and development to artists in our region and from across Canada. 

We enrich the lives of artists and our community through exhibitions and community-building that increase knowledge and empathy.

We advocate to advance the careers of artists in our region, including the development of new creative opportunities supported by professional artist fees.

We connect artists and the public, and aim to increase the recognition of art in our community.

Donating to the Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art:

• helps artists in our region and across Canada develop sustainable careers.

• supports our public programming, showcasing socially-engaged artwork that encourages empathy and understanding in our community.

• improves the cultural vibrancy of our region, and increases the recognition of art in our community.

Becoming a donor to the Alternator lets our artists know that what they do is important. Not just to them personally, but to our city and beyond.

Donations can take several forms including planned monthly or one-time donations. Your contribution can be targeted at Community Programming, Professional Development, or Professional Exhibitions, depending on where you’d most like to direct your support.

If you would prefer to support the Alternator in ways beyond a financial contribution, equally valuable to us are your time and attention. Get in touch to volunteer with us, and share our activities within your circles to raise awareness of the work we do!

Some examples of what your donations can do:

  • $300: Community Gallery Exhibition.

  • $500: Artist-led public outreach activity, provided free-of-charge to local participants.

  • $1000: Professional artist fees and production for a Project Gallery exhibition.
  • $2000: Travel expenses to bring an out-of-town artist to Kelowna.
  • $4500: Professional artist fees and production for a Main Gallery exhibition.




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