Dénomination enregistrée : ASKENNONIA SENIOR CENTRE INC.
Numéro d'entreprise : 118791151RR0001
Cet organisme est désigné par l'Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) comme organisme de bienfaisance enregistré. Ils se conforment aux exigences de l'ARC et ont reçu un numéro d'enregistrement d'organisme de bienfaisance.
Askennonia is a Ouendat greeting that means Peace, Wholeness and Well-being. Askennonia offers social, physical and educational programs Mondays-Fridays that exercise body, mind and spirit. Typically, over 60 weekly programs and special events are open to members and in some cases, the general community. The purpose is to enhance or maintain good health, reduce stresses on the health care system and combat loneliness and isolation, especially in frail older adults. The pandemic has been very hard on seniors. We offered online and outdoor programs whenever permitted during the pandemic and opened to indoor programs in November of 2021.
Donations go to subsidizing memberships and program fees for people that otherwise wouldn't be able to attend.