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Aspen Foundation for Labour Education

Dénomination enregistrée : Aspen Foundation for Labour Education

Numéro d'entreprise : 881720510RR0001

Aspen Foundation for Labour Education

À propos

Our Mission

To educate young Albertans about the social and economic issues affecting workers and the benefits of cooperative action through labour and social justice organizations, creating knowledgeable and engaged citizens.

About Aspen Foundation for Labour Education

The Aspen Foundation for Labour Education works to educate youth to allow them to work, live, and participate fully in a democratic society. It presents an important opportunity to support the teaching of social justice and labour education in Alberta’s classrooms. AFLE provides quality curricular resources and support materials and professional development for teachers, all of which are offered from perspectives based upon the democratic ideals of cooperation, equality, justice, and citizen engagement.

You can now support labour and social justice education in our schools with your charitable donation.


c/o EDLC

2nd Floor, 10212 - 112 Street

Edmonton, AB, T5K 1M4

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