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Dénomination enregistrée : EMPTY STOCKING FUND INC.

Numéro d'entreprise : 861690931RR0001


À propos

The Empty Stocking Fund/Battlefords District Food & Resource Centre is a registered charity that exists in partnership with the community to provide emergency food from our food bank along with other services and programs. Our aim is to assist those affected by poverty in the Battlefords. 

Our programs include:

Food Bank:  handing out emergency food hampers to those struggling with food insecurity

Christmas Hampers: giving Christmas food hampers and toys to families in need.

Food for Kids: giving food to elementary students from food insecure households, every Friday

Milk for Kids: providing fresh milk to families with children

Coats for Kids: the collection of winter clothing for children

Income Tax Preparation: free income tax service for low-income households

Plant a Row Grow a Row: encouraging gardeners in the community to grow a bit extra for the food bank

Fine Option Program: assist individuals with finding a community service opportunity

Warehouse Program: providing food to other charities and nonprofits in the community and surrounding area

Food Bank Hub: a place to store food for Northern food banks to ease their burden finding transportation and storage


We uphold the principles of integrity, justice, charity, and compassion, and the dignity of human life. We realize that everyone will be in need at some time, and we commit ourselves to be there to serve. We continue to strive to understand and meet the needs of our donors and clients in the spirit of competence and compassion.


We are a member of Food Banks of Saskatchewan and an affiliate member of Food Banks Canada and are regulated by the ethical codes of these associations.


1171 101st ST

PO Box 657

North Battleford, SK, s9a 0v5

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