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BC Tomorrow

Dénomination enregistrée : BC Tomorrow Society

Numéro d'entreprise : 839610995RR0001

Help students and teachers explore options for balancing human land-uses with ecological integrity using online simulator technology.

BC Tomorrow

À propos

BC Tomorrow is asking for your donations to assist us with the development of an innovative internet website, landscape simulator and mobile app for the free use of students, teachers and the public.

The Society needs to raise $184,000 ( that's 30 cents/student in British Columbia ) before the fall of 2016 to get the software and website up, running and available for use in schools for the fall semester. The Society is also pursuing other income sources including grants and partnerships.

BC Tomorrow’s online gaming simulator directly supports BC’s new educational curriculum outcomes and will use cutting-edge GIS technology and satellite imagery to explore options for balancing human land use with ecological integrity. BC Tomorrow will enable students to engage in an interactive exploration of land use in BC watersheds, develop critical thinking skills, and improve their understanding of system dynamics. The Society will make the website available free of charge and anticipates it will become a valuable teaching aid.

We are increasingly aware of the finite resources of earth, our local watersheds and the importance of finding a good balance between a strong economy and a resilient environment. As the world’s population continues to grow towards 9 billion, there is an unprecedented need for current and future generations to find a safe operating space for our planet. “Our youth are very comfortable using technology. Cutting-edge applications like the BC Tomorrow simulator will help foster systems thinking in our youth and that will be a highly valuable skill as they develop sustainable solutions for the future”, says Society President Barry Wilson.

Combining new technology with progressive curriculum that combines science and civics will be powerful for students and teachers alike. Local teacher and Society Vice President David Ramsay is looking forward to helping students engage in their own watershed and community utilizing these tools. “Students will be able to watch online videos about the benefits and impacts of human land use, learn about the integration of economies and ecosystems, develop their own watershed plans, design local experiments, create projects and share their findings with classrooms across British Columbia and Canada. Teachers will benefit from free online resources including lesson plans and videos.”


BAG 9000, SUITE 176



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