Dénomination enregistrée : BETEL HOME FOUNDATION
Numéro d'entreprise : 118803907RR0001
Cet organisme est désigné par l'Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) comme organisme de bienfaisance enregistré. Ils se conforment aux exigences de l'ARC et ont reçu un numéro d'enregistrement d'organisme de bienfaisance.
Our Mission
Betel Home Foundation will continue to be a leader and innovator in providing the hightest quality of life for each individual in our care.
We will identify and adapt to emerging health care needs and challenges.
Betel Home Foundation is an integral part of the community recognizing our Icelandic roots and respecting other cultures.
The Betel Home Foundation was founded by a small group of Icelandic Lutheran Women who "dreamed a dream". Through their efforts the first Betel Home opened its doors to nine residents on March 1, 1915 in rented quarters at 354 William Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Later in 1915 the "Home" was moved to permanent quarters in Gimli where over the years it expanded until it housed 95 residents. In 1990, a new 80-bed facility opened on this site.
It was realized that there was a need for a second home thus in 1966 a new Home was built in Selkirk and was expanded upon in 1970. Currently Selkirk is "Home"to 91 residents.
Vision Statement: Make Our Home Your Home Where Care And Service Prevail.