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Okanagan Humane Society

Dénomination enregistrée : OKANAGAN HUMANE SOCIETY

Numéro d'entreprise : 888817269RR0001

Okanagan Humane Society

À propos

Spay/Neuter Saves Lives!

This is the mission and mandate of the Okanagan Humane Society.  OHS is a volunteer run organization, with more than 90 cents of every dollar raised going straight to animal rescue work.

After twenty-five years of intensive spay/neuter activity, the difference can be seen. The large feral colonies of cats in the Central Okanagan are all sterilized. Most of the rescued cats and kitten have been adopted. The program has been a huge success but the operation is far from over!

Farming communities continue to be over-run with cats and cat colonies.  Through the winter months some of our most vulnerable cats and kittens are rescued from the elements. Freezing and starving, cats are without prey to hunt for survival or for females trying to feed their kittens. Such conditions lead to sick, malnourished animals with weak immune systems prone to contagious feline diseases to which they succumb and which can spread to the pets in our communities.

Accurate information on exactly how many feral cats there are in the Okanagan Valley is lacking, but we do know that in fixing over 1200 cats and kittens per year we are reducing the breeding population. Our average cost per cat is $200 with our veterinary discounts applied.  

In addition to our Feral Community Cat Program, OHS has for 22 years offered an Owned Animal Assistance Program to provide low-cost spay/neuter to people who cannot afford it. We are helped in our efforts by a network of over 35 veterinary partners and donations from people like you. Together we are making a difference.   

If you would like further information on our programs kindly go to our website: or email  Thank you on behalf of the animals!


PO Box 29110 OKM


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