Dénomination enregistrée : OPEN ARMS MISSION OF WELLAND, INC.
Numéro d'entreprise : 107801474RR0001
Cet organisme est désigné par l'Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) comme organisme de bienfaisance enregistré. Ils se conforment aux exigences de l'ARC et ont reçu un numéro d'enregistrement d'organisme de bienfaisance.
We know hunger is more than a growling stomach.
Since 1987, we have given out hundreds of thousands of meals, groceries, hygiene products, and household items. We want to help people who are in crisis or struggling on a long-term basis with practical items, but we know that food is not their ultimate need. With every client, volunteer and customer, we seek to share the love of Jesus Christ and walk alongside them.
Our non-denominational ministry is volunteer-driven and receives no regular government funding. We rely on the support of generous community groups, businesses, churches, and individuals.
Open Arms Mission is a unique place. We invite you to join us and experience our community for yourself.