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Parkinson Wellness Projects

Dénomination enregistrée : PARKINSON WELLNESS PROJECTS

Numéro d'entreprise : 802395236RR0001

PWP's purpose is to promote health by providing a centre for exercise, social interaction and services to individuals with Parkinson.

Parkinson Wellness Projects

À propos

Parkinson Wellness Projects (PWP) focuses our attention on people with movement disorders and their caregivers, and on the role of exercise in slowing the progression of Parkinson’s disease. It  provides a community-based exercise program in a centre wherein clients can exercise together or individually, guided by an expert in Parkinson’s specific exercises. The centre facilitates social interactions and empowers people with Parkinson’s to self-manage their chronic disease. The ultimate goal is better health with early intervention, enrichment, education and empowerment of those living with Parkinson disease.

PWP believes in the scientific research that demonstrates that physical exercise is a first line of defense as more people are diagnosed with movement disorders and at younger ages. Even as other proactive options like medications and deep brain stimulation become utilized, exercise remains necessary for optimizing their benefits.

Science has now announced that high intensity and vigorous exercises at initial diagnosis and throughout the different stages of Parkinson’s disease is neuro- protective. Quality of life scores are much higher after participating in regular exercise.



Victoria, BC, V8T 5E1

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