Dénomination enregistrée : Peace Africa Alliance Consulting, Educating and Training Centre
Numéro d'entreprise : 790828495RR0001
Cet organisme est désigné par l'Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) comme organisme de bienfaisance enregistré. Ils se conforment aux exigences de l'ARC et ont reçu un numéro d'enregistrement d'organisme de bienfaisance.
Fire Circle Reconciliation
Our passion is to reconstitute the wisdom of the past ages in order to build a more cohesive and harmonious future for all peoples, a world full of peace where every human being may enjoy their human rights.
We believe that every human being has the capacity to contribute to peaceful coexistence through personal choices informed by compassion, integrity, respect, acceptance and forgiveness. Values such as these are fed through education, knowledge-building, and training, and form the basis of many indigenous conflict resolution processes throughout Africa and other ethnic, collectivist societies.
Fire Circle Reconciliation is a unique form of healing and reconciliation that builds upon traditional indigenous methodologies and has been designed by PAACET to address the root causes of conflict and meet the specific needs of post conflict healing and reconciliation.
PAACET works in six strategic areas to build comprehensive peace in communities:
1. Human Rights & Social Justice Issues: we provide education & training, seminars, lectures, etc. about human rights issues in communities, schools, colleges and universities, refugee camps, private organizations, government and other not-for-profit organizations. We especially focus on children, youth and women's empowerment including their rights promotion and sexual and gender based empowerment. We also partner with other like-minded NGOs in similar pursuits.
2. Organizational Development & Community Enhancement: focusing on ethical leadership, organizational development and management training; enhancing effective partnerships and facilitating international and inter-group cooperation between and among peoples and countries.
3. Democracy & Good Governance: we provide training in the Rule of Law, civic education, trainings, strategies for engagement & responsibilities for good citizenship.
4. Elections & Electoral Processes: PAACET delivers electoral education and training in civic education and responsibilities, non-violent elections. We also provide Elections Observations.
5. Conflict Prevention, Healing & Reconciliation: we focus in Restorative Justice (RJ) Programs, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), and indigenous reconcialation practices. PAACET designs and implements values-based workshops & trainings that support local communities in building capacities to overcome conflicts and engage in peacebuilding activities. This also includes mediation services between conflicting parties, whether at the family, community, or organizational level.
6. Peace Education & Training: Peace education and training, seminars, symposia, outreach, lecturing and training in communities, schools, colleges and universities, refugee camps, private, government, and not-for-profit organizations/institutions worldwide.
The objects for which the company is established are:
“(a) To advance education by providing community reconciliation and mediation training, and courses, lectures, seminars, public presentations, workshops and conferences, to governments and their agencies, communities/organizations, student groups/schools, and the public, on the topic of peaceful dispute resolution;
(b) To advance education by conducting research on topics related to peaceful dispute resolution and disseminating the results through public meetings, seminars, courses, workshops, books, and electronic media;
(c) To undertake activities ancillary and incidental to the attainment of the above charitable purposes."