Peel Career Assessment Services Inc.
Numéro d'entreprise : 107830606RR0001
Cet organisme est désigné par l'Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) comme organisme de bienfaisance enregistré. Ils se conforment aux exigences de l'ARC et ont reçu un numéro d'enregistrement d'organisme de bienfaisance.
Peel Career Assessment Services Inc. (PCAS Inc.) was established in 1967 and incorporated as a charitable non-profit organization in 1977. We are a community organization that partners with the government, business sector, and other agencies to assist individuals to achieve their full potential at school, work and life.
We are located at 975 Meyerside Drive on the north west corner of Tomken Road and Meyerside Drive in Mississauga. There are bus stops located at this corner for both Mississauga Transit and Brampton Transit.
Our facility is fully accessible to all participants – we are outfitted with wheelchair accessible washrooms, a wheelchair ramp, and electronic door opening equipment. Our building meets all provincial fire and building code requirements for public safety. PCAS Inc. has incorporated, into its policies, the Customer Service Standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act to achieve a barrier-free environment.
With over 25,000 square feet and plenty of parking, we have ample space to provide services for our community and surrounding areas.
Over the past five decades, PCAS has developed the expertise in assisting individuals with:
Job search/employment maintenance skills and skills development ● Career decision-making and employment counselling ● Settlement/integration services ● Work hardening and job readiness
We help people within the Greater Toronto Area:
● with diverse needs
● experiencing barriers to employment
● displaced workers, employed/underemployed persons with disabilities
● Newcomers to Canada
We offer the following programs and services:
Employment, Job Search Techniques, Work Hardening & Assessment, Vocational Evaluations, Newcomer & Settlement, Ability Works, Youth Employment, Seniors, Just-in-Time Shipping & Logistics, Fulfillment & Packaging and a Business Hub
Over the past five decades, PCAS has developed the expertise in assisting individuals with:
- Job search/employment maintenance skills and skills development
- Career decision-making and employment counselling
- Settlement/integration services
- Work hardening and job readiness
Within the Greater Toronto Area, PCAS also helps people: with diverse needs, experiencing barriers to employment, displaced workers, employed/underemployed persons with disabilities, Newcomers to Canada.