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Numéro d'entreprise : 119103133RR0001

We are the only shelter on Prince Edward Island for lost, abandoned and homeless companion animals.


À propos

The PEI Humane Society is Prince Edward Island's only shelter for homeless, injured and lost companion animals. We are a non-profit organization that assists over 1500 companion animals each year.

We provide several companion animal services:

  • an adoption program
  • lost and found services
  • emergency animal housing services
  • 24-hour response for animals in distress
  • Investigations of animal abuse and neglect
  • enforcing legislation and bylaws for animal control

Programs to help animals increase their chances of being adopted:

Dandy Dogs – Donors can donate to reduce adoption fees for long-stay dogs in hope to create a renewed interest and an incentive for adoption

Fancy Felines – Donors can donate to reduce adoption fees for long-stay cats in hope to create a renewed interest and an incentive for adoption

Ritzy Rabbits – Donors can donate to reduce adoption fees for long-stay rabbits in hope to create a renewed interest and an incentive for adoption

Spirit Cats are very shy with people, live in your home, but are rarely seen. Over time, the Spirit Cat you live with may allow you to touch her. Or, she may not. However, you’ll never come home to an empty house, while a Spirit Cat lives with you.

FIV + Cats - The PEIHS has updated its policies and is now adopting out cats with FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus!) FIV + cats can live as long and healthy a life as non-infected cats.

The Barn Buddies program provides cats previously considered unadoptable due to being a feral cat that isn't suited for indoor living, the opportunity to live in selected gardens, barns or nurseries.

The C4C Management Model C4C is a management model that helps shelters humanely care for the animals in its facilities by encouraging shelter staff to think differently about the concept of ‘capacity.’  Under the C4C model, ‘capacity’ is no longer defined by a shelter’s physical space; it is determined by how many animals can be provided adequate care.  C4C capacity is defined by factors such as incoming and current populations, individual animal needs, human resources, training, physical capacity and design. When applied properly the C4C model creates the conditions needed to provide animals with all Five Freedoms:

  • Freedom from Hunger and Thirst
  • Freedom from Discomfort
  • Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease
  • Freedom to Express Normal Behavior
  • Freedom from Fear and Distress

As an open admission shelter, The PEI Humane Society will admit animals from many different situations that may or may not be adoption candidates. As the only registered shelter on the Island, our open admission policy allows us to accept special cases or hurt homeless animals. The PEIHS admits senior animals, pregnant females, FIV Cats, kittens, puppies, stray animals who are hurt and injured, animals who have been abused and need care and comfort.

In doing so, we provide each and every animal with in house veterinarian care, required surgery, food and shelter in hopes that we can prepare them for a new home. We have volunteers, foster parents, and staff who work very hard with the companion animals in our care. Volunteers and staff provide the animals with enrichment activities, exercise, access to an outdoor park to create a calm and safe environment.  By getting to know each animal and their needs, we can also have animals go home with experienced care givers at night, foster animals for extended periods of time or house them in alternate surroundings to reduce stress until they are healthy and ready for adoption.

We have a team of veterinary students trained in assessing canine behaviour and positive training techniques on-site who work directly with the animals to determine the most appropriate home to meet the dog's needs and to help socialize the dogs, alleviate stress and enrich their lives for the short time they spend in a shelter. All of this help prepares them for a new home.

The PEIHS is opposed to the euthanasia of healthy, adoptable companion animals. All animals selected for our adoption program remain in that program for an UNLIMITED period of time, provided they remain physically and mentally healthy or have health or behavioural issues which the Society has the resources to address.

Euthanasia of companion animals is a necessary and humane means to end the lives of animals that are in severe or incurable physical distress or for animals with severe behavioural problems, such as aggression, that pose a threat to humans or other animals. (Humane Canada)

The PEIHS is very proud to have been a part of the solution in addressing companion animal abuse and neglect for over 40 years and to have had the opportunity to work with and learn from some of the foremost experts in companion animal welfare in North America. If you have any questions about our policies, please feel free to call us at 902-892-1190. Thank you for your continued support! 



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