Réseau Secours Animaux Pound Paws
Dénomination enregistrée : Réseau Secours Animaux Pound Paws Animal Rescue Network Pound Paws
Numéro d'entreprise : 701528697RR0001
Cet organisme est désigné par l'Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) comme organisme de bienfaisance enregistré. Ils se conforment aux exigences de l'ARC et ont reçu un numéro d'enregistrement d'organisme de bienfaisance.
Pound Paws rescues animals at risk of being euthanized at pounds, arranges vetting if needed then transport and relocation in safe homes.
Our mission at Pound Paws is to save unwanted or abandoned pets - mainly cats - who find themselves in pounds and at imminent risk of euthanasia. Driven by the firm belief that ALL animals deserve a chance at a loving home, our team of volunteers finds rescue organizations for these animals and arranges to transport them from the pounds to safety. The pounds we partner with are high-kill, located in Quebec. The rescues we partner with are located across several provinces, and we work with other organizations who provide volunteer transport.
Your support will allow us to save animals who:
- Require veterinary care, having arrived at the pound neglected, abused or sick
- Are injured and in danger of immediate euthanasia at the pound
- Are past their euthanasia deadline at the pound and need temporary boarding while a rescue or transport is found
The sick, injured or neglected animals to whom we provide veterinary care require a significant amount of financial resources, and we constantly need to fundraise in order to be able to help them. Your support will be greatly appreciated and will have an immediate and lasting impact, as you can see in the story about little Nilo below.
Nilo, an adorable little two year old cat, was brought to the pound after being attacked by another animal. He had three puncture wounds on his head, a lacerated, infected leg and a serious ear mite infestation leaving him unable to walk properly. His story had a happy ending, though, as have hundreds like his, thanks to the generosity of people who are as passionate about helping animals as we are.
We have saved literally thousands of animals since 2016. Every cent donated to Pound Paws will be spent directly on the animals and will be sincerely appreciated. Please help us help them, as there is an endless need when it comes to the fate of animals who find themselves in pounds through no fault of their own.