La Croix de Secours Arménienne du Canada
Numéro d'entreprise : 873682868RR0001
Cet organisme est désigné par l'Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) comme organisme de bienfaisance enregistré. Ils se conforment aux exigences de l'ARC et ont reçu un numéro d'enregistrement d'organisme de bienfaisance.
Our Mission and Vision
Armenian Relief Society (A.R.S.) is an independent, non-governmental and non-sectarian organization which serves the humanitarian needs of the Armenian people and seeks to preserve the cultural identity of the Armenian nation. It mobilizes communities to advance the goals of all sectors of humanity.
Through its vast network of hundreds of thousands of dedicated volunteers and members, 220 chapters that operate in over 27 regions, A.R.S. has had the privilege to be on the front lines of leading our communities towards our collective goals. It plays an active role in providing resources and opportunities to the masses and through its exemplary rank, it pushes its members to serve their nation with total dedication offering the Armenian people and non-Armenians their time, energy, and talents in pursuit of their sacred mission.
The most important character trait of the A.R.S. is its ability to unify general humanitarian aims with commitment to national service. It has always been receptive to the calls of the growing changes and diversity in the vital needs of society, remaining alert and steadfast with its mighty volunteer army.
As an international, humanitarian, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), the A.R.S. also advocates for human rights, social justice, self-determination, and civil society in the halls of the international arena as a member of the United Nations.
At the National level, the Armenian Relief Society of Canada relies of its 1200 members to achieve its objectives.
Our Objectives
- To encourage high ethical standards and foster the spirit of good fellowship among A.R.S. members, chapters and regions
- To aid in the social, educational, health, and welfare efforts of the Armenian people
- To make special appropriations for food, medicine and clothing in the event of war, epidemics, or natural disaster, and to aid the disabled, the ill, the needy, prisoners of war and the exiled
- To establish and/or finance health, food distribution, and social service centers to serve Armenian communities
- To further the teaching of the Armenian language and culture; to establish and help finance Armenian schools and aid in efforts to perpetuate Armenian culture
- To give financial aid to deserving students in Armenian educational institutions
- To give financial aid to deserving undergraduate and graduate university students
- To support health, educational, and welfare programs dedicated to aid Armenian soldiers, the families of those who have volunteered for the Armenian Cause, needy Armenians known for their national accomplishments or outstanding public service and aid in the education of their children
- To promote the education of A.R.S. members and encourage their involvement in public service
- To encourage A.R.S. members to participate individually or collectively in the activities of community service organizations whose principles are compatible with those of the A.R.S.
- To cooperate with organizations with similar objectives
- To encourage and advocate human rights and social change in civil society around the world as a non-governmental organization