Ross Sheppard Alumni Basketball Award Fund
Numéro d'entreprise : 122437072RR0001
Cet organisme est désigné par l'Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) comme organisme de bienfaisance enregistré. Ils se conforment aux exigences de l'ARC et ont reçu un numéro d'enregistrement d'organisme de bienfaisance.
In 2007, a group of Ross Sheppard Alumni teamed up with Edmonton Community Foundation to create a permanent endowment fund to provide annual awards to one or more Shep students involved in the basketball program.
Students selected to receive the Ross Sheppard Alumni Basketball Award will have demonstrated leadership and sportsmanship in their performance and participation on Ross Sheppard high School basketball teams. Awards are designated to assist first-year post-secondary students with the costs associated with their education.
Thanks to the generosity of several alumnus and partners of the basketball program, the fund is very close to being able to provide the first award. Please consider donating to the fund to ensure we are able to recognize the hard work and dedication of these student athletes.
The total reflected on Canadahelps does not reflect the fund balance.