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Bibliothèque YRES

Dénomination enregistrée : York Region Educational Services

Numéro d'entreprise : 796041218RR0001

Bibliothèque YRES

Support building our YRES Library today and contribute to our first goal of $500 CAD! 

At YRES, books are the foundation of our programs like our Summer Camps and Children’s French Reading Club. Our goal is to spark curiosity and learning through reading.

With your help through donating used books or online donations, we can compile a wide array of books in English and French for ages 5-15. Using this collection of books, we will have a rich library to run activities and distribute books to our students during our programs. 

For online donations, please select "4. YRES Library" when completing the donation form.

For book donations, we are more than glad to arrange a pick-up at your convenience. Please contact

Need more information on donating books? Contact us at