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Business No: 132314154RR0001


MAP to MOTION is an information platform centered around bone and joint health, currently focused on shoulder injuries, with future modules planned, including the knee module "Up to One's Knees" which is the next module to launch.

Bone and joint conditions strike people of all ages. From mild to excruciating pain, to loss of mobility, to social isolation, to work loss, the impact of the conditions on our society is growing.

The MAP to MOTION campaign is seeking to raise $1,500,000 to continue our work on the module for shoulder issues, further enhancing the platform with a suite of new features and supporting our ongoing participants. New initiatives are under way to provide helpful system navigation aids and resources to participants, and to address identified barriers to care such as language, culture, gender identity and role, and other important equity-related issues.

The launch of the shoulder module last year was only where the path begins for MAP to MOTION. This module involved partnering with five shoulder clinics across the province to recruit participants with shoulder issues. Already, more than 120 Albertans have registered with MAP to MOTION. While the shoulder module is still in its infancy, the results so far show an engaged and supportive client base. Participants have maintained a 97% engagement through 3-months.

The important data being gathered by MAP to MOTION will provide valuable insight into participants’ pain, function, injury history, treatment history, and lived experience. This data can be leveraged to guide the next generation of patients as they face similar decisions about possible treatments.

With a new condition or an ongoing one, participants can join the shoulder module (and soon the knee module) at any point along their health journey. Through MAP to MOTION's online dashboard, participants receive feedback to better monitor their progress and recovery and interact with digital tools to assist in making informed health decisions. Participant's face less uncertainty about the treatment options available to them and have the information they need to figure out what to do next.

Care providers can deliver more effective bone and joint care by helping map the unique experiences of Albertans. They can better understand factors like health behaviours and medication use that are impacting long-term outcomes of their patients. Through MAP to MOTION's digital tools, researchers integrate health and life science studies. There are fewer barriers in implementing knowledge translation tools or setting up a study to collect information.

MAP to MOTION's digital tools will improve the participant's experience, channeling proven health concepts and technologies into actionable information. The rich source of anonymized data will fuel predictive analytics to identify the likelihood of health outcomes. Whether you personally suffer from shoulder injuries, back pain, inflammatory joint conditions, or not, there is much to be gained by accelerating research and investments towards prevention and more effective treatments. 

The Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute (ABJHI) is uniquely positioned to build a comprehensive map of bone and joint health through MAP to MOTION. Driven by our vision of improved patient care, we have the ability to build a map across the seemingly immovable barriers of the complex health care system. With your support and donations, we can work to fill gaps in information along an Albertan’s care journey.

While we raise funds for the active and ongoing shoulder module, our next module for knee injuries titled "Up to One's Knees" is currently campaigning also as ABJHI works towards launch. As a weight-bearing joint, conditions in the knee are common and not only painful, but disabling and life altering. Please visit the Up to One's Knees campaign to learn more about supporting our work relating to knee injuries.