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The Invisible Film Project/ Le projet de film Invisible


Business No: 869730648RR0001

The Invisible Film Project/ Le projet de film Invisible

Invisible: Join renowned actor Jo Vannicola and esteemed film critic Thom Ernst as they expose the epidemic of child sex abuse. Fueled by a shared mission, they lead a nationwide crusade, rallying celebrities and confronting complicit institutions, determined to shatter the silence and protect future generations from this alarming, unseen epidemic.

The Invisible Film Project aims to shed light on the unsettling yet often hushed epidemic of child sexual abuse. Under the direction of Catherine Rix, and featuring the acclaimed actor Jo Vannicola and esteemed film critic Thom Ernst as hosts, this documentary not only strives to enhance awareness but also to catalyze a nation wide movement addressing this silent epidemic. We are currently seeking $30,000 to propel the development phase, which includes the creation of the pitch deck and the market launch. Those who wish to contribute funds can make donations on behalf of The Invisible Project through The Gatehouse, which will issue receipts to contributors. HERE

Given the gravity of the subject matter, the primary creative's are committed to crafting a film that resonates with the general public by being engaging, enlightening, thought-provoking, and even imbued with humour. Our aim is to reach diverse audiences and stimulate public discourse and media attention.The documentary's narrative arc will follow actor, author, and activist Jo Vannicola,, along with film critic and author Thom Ernst,, as they embark on a nationwide journey to spark a movement that both raises funds and increases awareness about the shocking prevalence of childhood sexual abuse. An integral aspect of their odyssey will involve engaging with like minded celebrities who are potential advocates for the cause, such as Sarah Polley, Blake Lively, Sheldon Kennedy, Jann Arden, and Ryan Reynolds. Additionally, the documentary will spotlight the societal reluctance to openly address this issue, shedding light on the reasons behind the pervasive secrecy. Jo and Thom will directly confront organizational leaders, government officials, health professionals, education experts, and even the Catholic Church, unearthing systemic cover-ups. Their personal stories, both shared and unique, will naturally unfold throughout the film .Our goal is to amass significant attention and resources, with the donations channeled towards organizations combatting childhood sexual abuse. A robust community engagement facet is also planned for the project, encompassing online workshops, a dedicated landing page, and a community Facebook page. 

Our vision is to create a powerful documentary that serves as a catalyst for change, sparking a nationwide movement to combat child sex abuse. By collaborating with influencers, celebrities, and institutions, we aim to shatter the silence surrounding this issue, protect future generations, and create an environment where survivors find the support they need.


Objectives: Foster Public Dialogue: We will encourage open conversations about childsex abuse, dispelling myths, breaking taboos, and creating a culture where prevention and intervention are prioritized.Raise

Awareness: The documentary will unveil the shocking reality ofchild sex abuse.Through compelling storytelling, we will ensure thatthe issue gains the attention itdeserves.*“1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18.” TheAdvocacyCenter

Build a Nationwide Network: We intend to create a network of activists, survivors,celebrities, and institutions that are committed to eradicating child sex abuse. By uniting these stakeholders, we can amplify our impact and make a tangible difference.

Confront Complicit Institutions: By exposing institutions that have turned a blind eye to child sex abuse, we will demand accountability andadvocate for policy changes that prioritize the safety and well-beingof children.

Empower Survivors: The network will provide resources, support, and a safe space for survivors to heal, connect, and speak out.

Strategies: Compelling Documentary: "Invisible" will blend personal stories, expert interviews, and investigative journalism to create a captivating narrative that engagesand informs audiences.

Celebrity Engagement: Leverage the influence of Jo Vannicola, Thom Ernst and other celebrities to draw attention to the documentary and the cause, attracting a broader audience and garnering media coverage.

Advocacy Campaigns: Launch targeted campaigns that pressure institutions to address their role in perpetuating child sex abuse and demand legal and policy reforms.

Community Empowerment: Establish survivor support groups, mental health resources,and helplines, creating a network of care for those impacted by child sex abuse.

Educational Outreach: Collaborate with schools, community centers, and youth organizations to implement age-appropriate educational programs about personal safety, consent, and recognizing signs of abuse.

Virtual and Physical Events: Organize screenings, panel discussions, workshops, and fundraising events to engage the public, generate discourse, and raise funds for survivor support initiatives.