OSI-CAN of Northern BC
Business No: 131377061RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
OSI-CAN is a community based peer support initiative designed to help military personnel, public safety personnel, first responders and their families (active and retired). OSI-CAN's purpose is to improve mental health literacy, increase access to treatment, mental health, medical and social services in order to reduce a persons' burden recovery from trauma.
OSI-CAN has been operational since January of 2016 in Saskatchewan and has now expanded to over 25 groups from BC to Manitoba. OSI-CAN of Northern BC is the latest group formed and is a partnership between OSI-CAN and CMHA.
OSI-CAM offers peer support groups, family support groups, assistance with service dog acquisition and referrals to equine therapy programs. Support groups provide a safe, non-judgmental environment where participants' identities are kept strictly confidential. Refocusing from a reactive approach towards a proactive, wrap-around, support-based model helps to ensure that participants have a proper and complete plan to facilitate their recovery and build partnership to implement practical solutions.