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Architecture Without Borders Quebec/Architecture sans frontières Québec

Registered Name: Architecture sans frontières Québec

Business No: 831067012RR0001

AUC regroupe des professionnels du bâtiment afin de contribuer au développement de milieux de vie sains, sécuritaires et durables.

Architecture Without Borders Quebec/Architecture sans frontières Québec


Architecture Without Borders Quebec is a charity organisation specialized in architectural assistance to communities in need. We work internationally, with local partners and Canadian NGOs, as well as in locally, with urban populations and native communities of Quebec. Created in 2007 by the Ordrer of architects of Quebec, the organisation counts among its members the 4000 architects of the province and promotes their social responsibility. The organisation is a member of Architecture Without Borders International and Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale (AQOCI). To fulfill its mission, AWBQ gets also support from other building, planing and humanitarian professionals, and from several partners.

MISSION: Strengthening the capacities of vulnerable communities by engaging the architectural sector.

VISION: A world where all people have access to a quality built environment.

An architecture for all

The work of AWBQ is divided into a series of programs which generate  different projects née each year in the domains of health, education, housing and community infrastructures. Those take either place in Quebec or abroad, to help unprivileged populations or victims of disasters. Some of the flagship projects of the organisation include post-disaster interventions after the Haiti 2010 earthquake, health clinics in Africa, as well as Kitcisakik First-Nation village housing rehabilitation project from 2008 to 2015, which was awarded the Canadian Governor General's Medals in Architecture.


201 rue Sainte-Catherine Est

Montreal, QC, H2X1L2

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