Business No: 815260476RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
WELNepal is dedicated to providing literacy, education, and empowerment to the women of Nepal.
Our Mission
WELNepal is a charitable organization dedicated to promoting literacy and education to adult women in southern Nepal. The foundation focuses on literacy, education, and empowerment so women can change their lives in ways they see necessary.
About welnepal
WELNepal was established in 1997 to fund women's literacy classes for the villages in the Chitwan area of Nepal, where the literacy rate for women is very low. Since then, WELNepal has held over 175 classes, and helped close to 5000 women become literate. WELNepal also offers continuing education programs for literate women to maintain their reading and writing skills. However, literacy for women is only the first step in their empowerment. Once becoming literate and educated, women form development groups for common purposes, such as income generating for their financial freedom. WELNepal is committed to helping the women of Nepal in all these programs.