Business No: 836148361RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Wilderness Relapse Prevention program for high risk youth.
Our Mission
Relapse Prevention is our main objective which is achieved through building positive decision making skills. We target young men and women seeking to avoid a relapse into negative behavior as a result of poor decision making skills that impact their lives in a negative manner.
Our Methods
Relapse prevention requires self-esteem and social awareness for positive decision making skills that allow the person to be successful in their Life Plan. To achieve this we deliver two programs designed to develop better decision making skills.
THE WILDERNESS YOUTH CHALLENGE PROGRAM targets youth 12 to 18. Various back country wilderness locations are used to establish a Base camp where they spend four days as a group training to spend four days solo camping on their own. This solo camping experience builds self-confidence leading to increased self-esteem and positive decision making skills. This is not a 'survival' experience as we are exceptionally well outfitted and each participant is given all they need to stay safe and comfortable during the ten days in the wilderness.
TOMORROWS YOUTH TODAY targets young adults with a permanent back country Base camp designed to teach them them the same skills the soloists develop without spending four days alone in the wilderness. Positive decision making skills are the outcome and these skill sets support their personal growth towards a positive lifestyle.