CPA Canada’s New Not-for-Profit Senior Leaders Workshop

With the rise of CPAs as senior executives in the not-for-profit sector CPA Canada is now offering a new multiphase four-day workshop for not-for-profit senior leaders called, Translating Strategy Into Action: A Guide for Senior Not-for-Profit Leaders. It is tailored to the demands of senior executives in today’s highly competitive not-for-profit environment.

The instructors, Ajay M. Pangarkar and Jennifer Gervès-Keen, have included topics such as learning to use business competencies and technical skills to formulate your organization’s strategy, linking strategy to budget and performance, developing a targeted implementation plan and much more.


  • build a focused NFP strategic plan for your organization
  • learn what you need to adapt to flourish in today’s world using AQ
  • discuss with your peers the unique challenges of the NFP world
  • learn about the behaviours needed from leaders to accomplish a successful implementation
  • transform your strategy into an operational plan
  • have the tools to measure and manage your performance
  • be able to enroll and influence your stakeholders, your board and your team
  • be better equipped to manage the operational risk in your organization
  • be able to communicate your expectations to your community in a powerful manner


  • building a focused NFP strategic plan for your organization
  • linking strategy to operational performance
  • developing a targeted implementation plan
  • performing a cultural audit of your organization
  • measuring results and evaluating progress
  • understanding how your brain deals with changes and how it impacts your message and the delivery

The multiphase workshop will be held on May 30 to 31 and August 24 to 25, 2016 in Toronto at the CPA Canada offices. To find out more, click here.

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