The Giving Report

Welcome to The 2018 Giving Report — our second annual edition.

CanadaHelps has developed this report to help Canadians understand how the health of our charitable sector is firmly tied to the health of our country. After last year’s report discovered a sharp decline in charitable giving over the past decade, we dug deeper into the data, to examine where these ‘giving gaps’ are growing, and how demographic shifts are creating an impending funding crisis for Canadian charities.

The Giving Report reveals new trends and insights around charitable giving in Canada.

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The charitable sector

The charitable sector is a major employer, accounting for 10% of the full-time Canadian workforce.

Meet the sector

Canada's donors

Canada’s donors are at risk of disappearing, donation rates are dropping, with the largest decline in giving from those aged 45+.

Giving facts

There is a lot of disparity

There is a lot of disparity in where Canadians donate. The top 5 categories each get over 19% of donations, the bottom 5 get less than 10%.

Compare your giving

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