Date: Monday, March 23rd, 2015
Time: 1:00pm-2:00pm Eastern Time
About the webinar:
Did you know that new rules on estate donations will come into effect in 2016? How will it affect you, your donors/supporters and your charity? The Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP) has a free, informative webinar about the changes to estate donations and how to overcome or deal with the possible challenges you and your charity may encounter.
Although some estates may benefit from these changes, they may cause considerable challenges in recognizing the tax benefits connected to charitable inheritances, which can result in estate donations being put in jeopardy. CAGP is presenting this webinar to provide you with information to understand the new changes set to occur in 2016 and how donors and charities will be affected as a result, as well as what you need to do now in order to reduce the possibility of any inadvertent consequences. Also examined in the webinar are the ways in which charities and professional advisors can discuss with donors about the upcoming changes and consider possible alternatives to estate plans that may be necessary, as well as plan strategic giving options.
You will also learn about what CAGP is explaining to the federal government to make certain they realize the true impact the changes have on the non-profit sector and what other legislative changes are needed in order to guarantee donors and charities continue to benefit from estate donations.
Visit The Canadian Association of Gift Planners website to learn more and register.
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