As tax time approaches, be sure to get your charitable tax receipt!
Did you donate using CanadaHelps but didn’t create a CanadaHelps account?
Please click here to access your tax receipt(s). All you need to do is enter your email address (the email address used at the time of your donation) and the year of the receipt(s) you are looking for. We will send you an email with the links to your tax receipt(s)! Learn more about charitable tax credits here.
If you experience difficulty with this, please use the contact us form to send us an email. Please include your name, full mailing address and the email address you used when making the donation. We will be happy to help!
Have a CanadaHelps Account?
We have outlined for you instructions for 3 different situations. Follow the steps to get your tax receipt! If you are still experiencing difficulty and require assistance, please contact us and we will be happy to further assist.
The steps for accessing your tax receipt are related to the preference you selected in your CanadaHelps donor account. To look at your tax receipt preferences, log into your account and select the “Your Account Settings” tab. Scroll down until you see the “Your Account Tax Receipt Information” section. You will see three preference options, and one will be selected based on what you have chosen:
Based on the option you have selected, follow the steps below.
Please note: If you have a monthly donation set up, even if you’ve selected Option 1 or 2, you will always be receipted on an annual basis. So if you are a monthly donor, please follow the steps for Option 3.
Option 1: Send me a separate tax receipt for each donation I make.
Log into your CanadaHelps account
Click on the third tab “Your Donations & Receipts”
Scroll down a little and select the year 2014 from the “year” drop-down menu located on the left hand side of your screen
Download the receipt by clicking the “Get Receipt” cranberry coloured text on the far right of the receipt number line
Option 2: Send me only one tax receipt per transaction, even if I donate to multiple charities in a transaction.
Log into your CanadaHelps account
Click on the “Your Donations & Receipts” tab
Scroll down a little and select the year 2014 from the “year” drop-down menu located on the left side of the screen
Download the receipt by clicking “Get Receipt” on the far right of the receipt number line.
Option 3: Send me only a single tax receipt at the end of the calendar year for all of my donations over the year.
Log in to you CanadaHelps account
Click on the “Your Donations & Receipts” tab
Scroll down a little and select the year 2014 from the “year” drop-down menu located on the left side of the screen
Click on the button “Create Receipt for Previous Year(s)”
Download the receipt by clicking “Get Receipt” on the far right of the receipt number line.
Updated on November 1, 2024
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