Strategy in the Digital Age: Wisdom from our CEO

This morning, our CEO Marina Glogovac gave the keynote address at the Digital Strategy Conference in Ottawa. Marina’s experience leading digital companies such as Lavalife and Kobo, and through numerous consulting engagements in strategy, and in particular digital strategy development, has given her great insight into the ways digital has changed organizations of all types, and how essential good strategy is. The insights shared in this talk are as much for nonprofits and they are for for-profit business. Today, Marina is actively sharing expertise in strategy to the nonprofit world, both through her leadership at CanadaHelps and through our educational webinars offered to our almost 16,000 charity partners.


About the Conference

This dynamic two-day conference features speakers on a number of digital strategy topics such as digital maturity, content strategy, keeping your organization relevant in the digital age, improving relationships with communities, integrating multiple content platforms, and connecting consumers to your brand. Conference attendees represent the nonprofit, business, and government sector and have the opportunity to learn about better integrating digital into their overall strategies.

Digital Maturity

Key takeaways from Marina’s speech:

  • Digital strategy is not separate from great overall strategy and developing it can’t be limited to a digital team or management team – everyone needs to be involved
  • Tactic is not strategy
  • Reactivity is never a strategy, but being responsive is essential
  • Continuous learning is essential

You can read more of Marina’s thoughts on digital strategy in this blog post from the conference: Digital strategy touches every aspect of business strategy

The conference continues through October 1st. Join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #dstrategy, and follow the conversation for tons of great insights on digital strategy for your own organization. Here are a few highlights:

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